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A few recommendations please

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I'm just starting a new PS project and would like a bit of help/ advice on modules.

What I need:
1, Display categories, in left sidebar, with category image
2, No sign-up checkout - the client doesn't want customers to create accounts, just get in, buy, get out.

Can anyone recommend modules/ routes to facilitate these options, paid or free.

Also is iprestashop any good? The client is looking for a mobile version as well.

Many thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

as far as the no check out question. I saw a fast checkout (checkout with out registering) but its a paid module. There is also a free fast checkout or check out without registering but if you have ssl enabled on your shop it will display the pop up warning if you use the free fast checkout module.

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  • 5 months later...
Also is iprestashop any good? The client is looking for a mobile version as well.

Hello blingblingpow,

Ask me what do you want to know about iPrestaShop. I'll answer to you.


Hi -
I am trying to only have text links in subcategories, and no images. I tried adding this to category_tree_branch.tpl, but it didn't work. Can you tell me what to change in order to just have text links?

  {else}          <!--img src="{$img_cat_dir}{$lang_iso}-default-{$ips_img_small}.jpg" alt="" /--> <!--jes added-->


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Hi Joel,
Which file?
I am using iprestashop and like it very much. I've been able to use your directions to remove a module in iprestashop that shows up on the twin website, but I'm having trouble with getting rid of all of the sub category pictures. Is there a way to have just text links without the missing image showing?


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