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Quick search display 0 results

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When I search for something in the quick search section and I select ONLY CATEGORY AND SUBCATEGORY and DONT ENTER ANY TEXT INPUT, the result I get is 0 found.


Is there any way, I can search for products without entering any search phrase or keyword.


I add a picture.




Furnitura ir priedai baldams  - its category I chose

Rankeneles - its subcategory I chose

Paieska - Search

Buvo rasti 0 rezultatai - found 0 results

Iveskite paieskos fraze arba raktazodi - enter search phrase or keyword.


It seems that it cant display results, because there is no query:





and in with text input "rozet" and same categories I get:





I hope you understand!


Edited by grigas (see edit history)
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I think the assumption here is actually to search for something, so nothing should befound if the search phrase is empty.

But it should be possible to modify this module to make it redirect to selected category if the search phrase is empty.

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I think the assumption here is actually to search for something, so nothing should befound if the search phrase is empty.

But it should be possible to modify this module to make it redirect to selected category if the search phrase is empty.

Exactly, but how? ;o 

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