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BIG Glitch today. Reverted my ref #s to Alpha and wont let me fix HELP! Messing Up everything!


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I noticed this morning, that I wasnt able to edit ANY product - it would not save AT ALL.  So I went on the hunt in the forums, and saw a solution to turn off smarty CSS.  After I changed that I was able to edit a product.


Then BOOM.. everything else went haywire.

2 years ago we programmed the reference number (order number to read ID0010400)  NOW it reverted back to LETTERS.

I went in and changed the following:

public static function generateReference()
        return strtoupper(Tools::passwdGen(9, 'NUMERIC'));


BUT NOW the reference ids are are SUPER long.

I cannot figure out how we did this before having the reference number MATCh the order number.

See picture attached.


We have an external affiliate program and all this has caused our affiliate program not to catch a SINGLE sale after it did this..

Please please advise if you know how to get it back to We had it.


IM SO lost


managed to get order ID and order reference to match as a number..  but the Invoiuce number for PDFs are not matching. My next order number should be 10530, but the invoice numbers are on 20078


we had this previously working whereas the order ID, reference id and invoice number where all the same. Had a big glitch yesterday where everything reverted (ref number went back to letters etc)

Managed to get IDs matching.. except the invoice number for pdfs..



How to I get the invoice number to match the order ID number again?


I tried a Query but it didnt work

Edited by endlessxpressions (see edit history)
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