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Importing products with different subcategories with same name


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I want to import an csv.
Lets imagine this:

We have 2 Categories I will put his ID and his name.


4 Dvd


       25 Action


5 Bluray


       44 Action


Then I have my CSV file with this:



  CodeProduct         Categorie                            Name of the Movie

     B21                       Action                                        Bunbury




Where the movie will be?? in the Categorie 25 or categorie 44 ??

How can I do to manage it without filling the Categorie field in the CSV with the id ?? is there any way to manage this??




Edited by Reco-X (see edit history)
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If you have categories with the same name, you'll need to specify the categories by ID instead of name when importing. As you say, it's impossible for PrestaShop to know which category to import the product if you have categories with the same name.


You could temporarily give all your categories unique names such as "Dvd-Action" and "Bluray-Action" and then change them back after importing, but then you won't be able to import new products in the future. You could update existing products, but you'd have to manually add new ones, otherwise you'd encounter the same problem you are now.

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