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[SOLVED] 1.6.x Default Theme - Sowing more than one product per row in responsive?


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Hi guys.

im struggling with the col-md-3 xs-12-sm-4 thingy.

As of now in default bootstrap theme for PS 1.6x There is only one product per row on mobile devices.

I would like to change that to at least 2 but perhaps test also 3..

Anyone has any clue?

Ive tried to find some info on the " col-md-3 xs-12-sm-4 thingy."  but cant find any documentation about that.

Have a great day.

Thank you.-

Edited by rfourt (see edit history)
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Change xs-12 to xs-6 it will be half. But You need to code css to change fonts and images in product to be smaller too.


Ah thank you. 


Yea ofc.. i will make some responsive css under 768 or the width thats needed. :)


Thnx again.


PS: you, or anyone else know where i can find some documentation about the xs-12 and md-3 etc.? i mean what they mean how they basically function..

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They are used to define the widths at various resolutions in 12ths. For example, xs is for mobile (width up to 767px), sm is for tablet (width up to 991px), md is for desktop (width up to 1199px) and xl is for high-resolution desktop (width 1200px and above).


For example, class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3" would make the width 12/12 (full width) on mobile, 4/12 (1/3 width) on tablet and 3/12 (1/4 width) on desktops.

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They are used to define the widths at various resolutions in 12ths. For example, xs is for mobile (width up to 767px), sm is for tablet (width up to 991px), md is for desktop (width up to 1199px) and xl is for high-resolution desktop (width 1200px and above).


For example, class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3" would make the width 12/12 (full width) on mobile, 4/12 (1/3 width) on tablet and 3/12 (1/4 width) on desktops.

Ah ok thank you for this explaination.



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