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Adding additional service on virtual product


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I have been trying to add additional service with fee for a virtual product. I sell design files which customer should be able to select copy of printed version for additional fee. 

I have created a product attribution with option of "yes and no". 

How do I add this product attribution to my virtual product and how can I associate additional cost and quantity to the attribution? 

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Hi there, we can help you to do that thing. What is your shop url. I would like to have a look

Hi Anna Chen,


My shop is in maintenance mode since I am developing it. If I needed to be more specific we can use the following example.

I sell a computer program, since it is a computer file, it is downloadable product that I need to set it up as virtual product with no quantity required. However if customer wants to have a CD for the program, I would like to give the customer as an option to purchase it at the same product page with option including quantity for the CD and price.  

So my shop should be as following

  • Product X - $30 
  • CD Required (Dropdown menu)
    • No --> No action Required 
    • Yes --> (Dropdown menu follows)
    • Quantity $5 (Lets say quantity is 2)
  • Total price is $40


Hope this helps. 

Edited by Kerop (see edit history)
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