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Major BUG in Default Theme.


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Just discovered a major bug in default theme.

cant believe no one has seen this.
and its not a smal one either. 

browser: Chrome.

1. Go to frontpage.

2. Click on a products "Quick View"
3. Select your color etc. Click on "Add to cart"
4. You are automaticly taken to the cart.

5. Click on the bottom left link "Continue Shopping" ->

6 BANG!!!.. you are in some way taken back to the quick view but in Full screen. and no links or menu is shown so no way to go anywhere.

Have tried with both Chrome and Firefox.


LoL cant believe this... 



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Report it to the forge at forge.prestashop.com 

Thnx for reply.


Although im sorry i will not register on that page for just posting one bugreport, shouldent a bugreport be possible to report without going through the hassle of registrating your email etc etc..  during my 4 years of using PS i have never even seen that page nor discovered a major bug like this.


owell, its possible to do a quick fix by setting the option: "Redirect after adding product to cart"   To:  Previous page


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