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HELP for Black & White theme running with 1.2.5

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I have installed black and white, every things works find except 2 problems:
a. my category list 10 products each page, but it should be 9, how can i fix this
My product page: http://shop.1stidea.com/category.php?id_category=2
Original theme page: http://ipno.tik.free.fr/blackwhite/category.php?id_category=4

b. on product category page i got the " product name, price, cart" layer at the bottom of each product column
as show here: http://shop.1stidea.com/category.php?id_category=2
& the Orginal theme should have this summary layer flow on top of product picture column
Original link here: http://ipno.tik.free.fr/blackwhite/category.php?id_category=4

Thanks, some one can help me? I really like this theme, and i tried every theme availble on 2link. and nailed down on this one.


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a. Got to Back Office >> Preferences >> Products and
change Products per page to 9.

b.It seams you are using product list from Element theme.Is this on purpose ?
If not try to delete all files prestashop/tools/smarty/compile except index.php and refresh page.
If that doesn't help check product-list.tpl and global.css, you have

#center_column .categorie_product .new_product {
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #98CB00;
padding:0 0.3em;
global.css (line 625)

and it should be


#center_column .categorie_product span {
background:url("../img/transparent_bg.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
padding:0.4em 0.6em 0.8em;
global.css (line 632)

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Thank you so much Razaro, you are awesome. I reinstalled ps, turns out nothing to do with element theme, though i installed it before, with your code, i just got it right. Complete code should be like this:

{$product.name|truncate:30|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{if $product.new == 1}{l s='new'}{/if}

{displayWtPrice p=$product.price}{l s='View'}
{l s='Cart'}

thank you so much, i come to prestashop 3 days ago, have a lot to learn, so much settings in the backoffice. Have a nice day, my friends. Deng Deng Deng! http://shop.1stidea.com, everything is fine now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

could you tell me which module you use to get so nice header on your home page, with the automatic slider.

Thank you so much Razaro, you are awesome. I reinstalled ps, turns out nothing to do with element theme, though i installed it before, with your code, i just got it right. Complete code should be like this:
{$product.name|truncate:30|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{if $product.new == 1}{l s='new'}{/if}

{displayWtPrice p=$product.price}{l s='View'}
{l s='Cart'}

thank you so much, i come to prestashop 3 days ago, have a lot to learn, so much settings in the backoffice. Have a nice day, my friends. Deng Deng Deng! http://shop.1stidea.com, everything is fine now.

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