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Display a random product on non-PS page

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I'm trying to get PrestaShop integrated with an existing website built in Joomla.

One of the modules I've created allows you to execute PHP - and now what I need it to do is display and link to a random product.

Is there an existing solution for this that's been discussed before? Would appreciate some help on this. Thank you :)

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Yeah - I tried experimenting with a few things but i'm getting botched results.

The first thing I tried was creating a PHP file in /cart named "randomProduct.php" - and in Joomla, just run this code:


Whenever I echo out some dummy text from randomProduct.php - it shows up like it should, but I haven't been able to get it to communicate with the PrestaShop.

What files do I need to include in randomProduct.php - and what query would I need to run to get a random product? I don't necessarily need to use Smarty with this, as my php file will echo out some HTML.

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