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"Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler"


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De ceva timp ma confrunt cu o problema, in ceea ce priveste gestionarea unui site.


In moment in care doresc sa-l accesez imi apare:


Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/home/ijmakeup/public_html/modules/pixelcart/pixelcart.tpl" on line 36 "var customizationIdMessage = '{l s='Customization #' mod=''pixelcart'' js=1}';" - Unexpected "pixelcart", expected one of: "}" <-- thrown in/home/ijmakeup/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 36



Ma copleseste! Nu inteleg unde e problema si ce trebuie sa fac. Imi poate oferi cineva un sfat?!


Merci anticipat! :)



PS: Inainte de a avea aceasta problema, la accesare primeam un mesaj gen: ,, Site-ul este in lucru, revenim in curand!''.

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Asta "PS: Inainte de a avea aceasta problema, la accesare primeam un mesaj gen: ,, Site-ul este in lucru, revenim in curand!''." este funny :-)

Probabil ca intre timp ai aflat ca aveai shop-ul pus pe maintenance.

Rederitor la modlul pixelcart, da-i uninstall din Backoffice->Modules

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