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Adding long custom features and compare by them

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What are the possibilities (modules, custom work) to add custom features in the product (more than 255 characters), and compare them?


I have a composition of the products (nutritional supplements), counterindications and the indications for their use. And I want ability for users the opportunity to compare products by composition and indications/counterindications.


Right now I can't add composition as a feature just because the usual product contains dozens of words of text in the composition. Much more than 255 chars.


Exactly the same state with the indications and contraindications.


Yes, I can buy several Custom Tab modules etc but is there a chance to see them (additional features like product composition) in a standard Prestashop product comparison?

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Have you trying going to phpMyAdmin and increasing the maximum length of the value field in ps_feature_value_lang? By default, it is VARCHAR(255). Then you can increase the value to the same amount on line 50 of classes/FeatureValue.php:

            'value' =>        array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 255),
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Hopefully, PrestaShop won't change the ps_feature_value table in future database upgrades and it will be left the way it is. The classes/FeatureValue.php file will be overwritten, however, so you'll need to change it again after upgrading, unless you create override/classes/FeatureValue.php with the following:

class FeatureValue extends FeatureValueCore {
    public function __construct()
        FeatureValue::$definition['fields']['value']['size'] = 1024;


Remember to delete cache/class_index.php so PrestaShop can find the override. PrestaShop will not change your overrides when upgrading.

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