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Cannot add "Pack of existing products" and "Virtual product"


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When try to add new product and select "Pack of existing products" and Virtual product", it will show the error "You cannot use combinations with pack" and "You cannot use combinations with a virtual product.


Now my eshop only can add standard product, Can anyone help to solve this problem. Thanks


My platform:


Windows 2012 Server

XAMPP 1.8.3

PHP: 5.5.15




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Hi Rocky


Thanks for your reply!


I found this two option on product page which allow me to select when create new product, so I think it is the standard feature of prestshop!

If this is not the standard version, why prestashop have this two option on product page? It will make us confuse

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PrestaShop does support packs and virtual products, but not if there are combinations on the product. You need to go to the Combinations tab and delete all the combinations, then you'll be able to change the product to a pack or virtual product.

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How to check if product isPack in .tpl?


I want to check in product.tpl  - { if state } - if product is "Pack of existing products"

{if $product_type == Product::PTYPE_PACK} not working....


I want to return boolean.



Any suggestion.... THX in advance.

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