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Show cover image of products


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I have problem with cover image of products. In past I upload images manually, it was no problem - when I open whatever product, shop shows cover image.

Now, I upload images of atributes automacically, I have set Cover image of product, but every time, what I open product, as cover image I see image of atributtes.. 

Could someone help me how to change it?


I am using version, and link f.e. -



(immediately is open with atributes image)


Thank for help

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Try changing lines 123-126 of themes/default-bootstrap/js/product.js from:

		if (typeof productHasAttributes !== 'undefined' && productHasAttributes)


/*		if (typeof productHasAttributes !== 'undefined' && productHasAttributes)
*/			refreshProductImages(0);

This should stop the image being refreshed with the default combination image. Hopefully, your theme has similar code.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, it's just too difficult. I tried overriding the assignImages() function to change the cover to the first image, but it seems to be ignored. I think maybe the assignAttributesGroups() function is overriding the cover. You need to figure out how to get the $cover and $mainImage Smarty variables in product.tpl to be the first image instead of the default combination image.

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