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How to add this code to my site?

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Hello. My site is www.celma.com.ve. I have Prestashop version. I want to add this code to my site:


<!-- Installation Cliengo code for www.celma.com.ve --> 
<script type="text/javascript">(function(){var ldk=document.createElement('script'); ldk.type='text/javascript'; ldk.async=true; ldk.src='http://weboptimizer.leadaki.com/weboptimizer/5792da0be4b0951354078661/5792da0ce4b0951354078664.js' ; var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ldk, s);})();</script>


That is from Cliengo. (www.cliengo.com). It is a code of a small automatic chat window (a robot that type messages to the users), it helps to have more clients. So, on the Cliengo site says that I have to copy and paste that code before this tag: </body>. But I really don´t know where is that tag. In which file?, I was looking on header.tpl, index.tpl, etc etc etc. Where can I paste that piece of code to make it work?. Please help me men. You are the experts !!


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