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Frontcontroller::init - Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at the code, that error occurs when the cart ID in the cookie is invalid or is for an order that has already been placed. I guess you're using a third-party module that is putting an invalid cart ID in the cookie or is forgetting to clear the cart after processing an order.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi There,


I had the same problem with the PrestaShop webshop of a customer from me en I found the fix.


The problem is that the id_cart is already used in the orders table in the column id_cart. So you have a duplicated id_cart, so automatically the cart will be cleared by PrestaShop.


To fix this:


- Check in the orders table what the highest id_cart is. For example 10045.

- Do an update to your database by resetting the Auto-increment value of the cart table to 10045 + 1 by executing this query :  ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` AUTO_INCREMENT = 10046;


PS: ps_ in the query should be changed with your store database prefix


Now the problem should be fixed.


Good luck for you all!!

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