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Module - Extra filter, left menu

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Im trying to made a module like manufacturers-block but with a dropdown whit more filters like this:




  • DELL
      • SERVERS
        • TIPO RACK
        • TIPO TOWER



  • SAMSUNG... 


I need code example or query examples to do it, any help will be apreciated.


Image example:




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Since it's not possible in PrestaShop to link categories to manufacturers, I think the easiest solution would be to create a category structure that includes the manufacturer names as the first level of categories and then add subcategories below them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you mean some like this:

select    p.id_product, p.id_manufacturer, id_category_default, l.name PName, c.name CName , m.name MName
from      hlg_product p
               inner join hlg_product_lang l on p.id_product = l.id_product
               inner join  hlg_category_lang c on p.id_category_default = c.id_category 
               inner join hlg_manufacturer m on p.id_manufacturer = m.id_manufacturer  

or this:

select    distinct p.id_manufacturer, id_category_default, m.name MName, c.name CName 
from      hlg_product p
               inner join  hlg_category_lang c on p.id_category_default = c.id_category 
               inner join hlg_manufacturer m on p.id_manufacturer = m.id_manufacturer 
order by m.name, c.name 
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but now how to show it in tpl, and how to execute in the php class?

public function hookLeftColumn($params)
			$sql = 'select    distinct p.id_manufacturer, id_category_default, m.name MName, c.name CName 
from      hlg_product p
               inner join  hlg_category_lang c on p.id_category_default = c.id_category 
               inner join hlg_manufacturer m on p.id_manufacturer = m.id_manufacturer 
order by m.name, c.name ';
			if ($results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql))
			foreach ($results as $row)
			echo $row['id_shop'].' :: '.$row['name'].'<br />';
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