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Add new address problem

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Good Afternoon

 I have a small problem , as shown in the image addresses are correct because the billing address take the main address as shown in the image.

However when I want to add new address fill in all the fields and when I save, the billing address changes automatically to the address that i just added .

I do not want to do this, but only add the new address and do not change the billing address when I click save .

Does anyone know how I can solve this, do I have to edit something or so , never change the billing address each time you add a new address ?

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It looks like you are confusing two concepts. 


One is addresses: you can assign as much addresses as you like. The first is usually called "my address". For the others you have to be more creative. 


Apart from that is assigning addresses to a function, like billing address or delivery address. 


Addresses do not need to be assigned to a function. And you can change their assignment at any time.

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It looks like you are confusing two concepts. 


One is addresses: you can assign as much addresses as you like. The first is usually called "my address". For the others you have to be more creative. 


Apart from that is assigning addresses to a function, like billing address or delivery address. 


Addresses do not need to be assigned to a function. And you can change their assignment at any time.




yea i know that i can choose anytime the adresses, but i want that function to when i add a new adress do not change automaticly the invoice adresse but changes the delivery adress.


Where i can change that function, to when i click in save, adds the adress to delivery adress and not the invoice adress ?

Can you help me please ??

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