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'Products In Same Category' - scrolling bug fix?

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I'm using the module which shows a scrolling display of related products below the main selected product. Works pretty well, but there's a bug - any ideas how to fix it?

Basically, if I scroll to the right, when I reach the final product, the scroll arrow fades away, the cursors returns to a standard cursor arrow and the link appears to 'die', but if I move my mouse away and then back to the area where the scroll arrow was, the cursor remains as an arrow cursor but the link becomes active again. I can then keep clicking the link, which registers clicks even though there are no more products to scroll through. If I then want to go left, back through the products, I have to click multiple times on the left arrow before scrolling actually occurs - clearly because the scroller thinks we're further along than we are.

This makes using the scroller less than great - there's no guarantee that a left arrow click will scroll back if you've accidentally right arrow clicked too many times.

Hope that makes sense - ay idea of a fix or a workaround?

Thanks :-)

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