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I'm very sad, technical validation team make me unhappy...

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I trying upload my module to addons for already 2 months...


First they decline my module becose of some not important errors warnings....like i use php substr function, but they think Tools::substr() is better....after they say "could you please check that the jS files and css files included on the hook backofffice header are necessary. And just include them when it is needed." but my module don't use backoffice header hook...i have attach js and css file in module template...

After they sey i must protect my Ajax requests in front office by token...after they say i must use in my sql request (int), (float), (pSQL)...and now after this all they send my again message about (i must protect my Ajax requests in fron office by token), but i have already fix that errors...and i got from them only one letter per week....


I think they trolling me...becose im from Russia, they from France...this all political...i just dunno what a think...

I have other modules in my account that long time already sells, and this modules work without ajax and sql protects, with substr and other php functions just fine...and they don't block this modules...


But this new module they decline all time...


I know very well CMS prestashop, and i never see in code ajax token protect, also in original prestashop modules in code not everywhere they protect variables in SQL request by pSQL, float, int...also if validate their modules we will see alot php warnings..


This all sh@!#t made me very unhappy and sad -/

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Don't worry, they're not just targeting you. My modules often got rejected when I first started developing them, though I now rarely get rejected since I have a good understanding of exactly what they want. They are strict because they want high-quality, secure modules. Once you know their rules and start following them, it gets easier.

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I know right?


Well, you're by far not to only one that has to deal with a lot of declines. I believe they even randomly decline when they have the feeling that you will put some extra effort into increasing the module quality after a decline, even if the module quality is good enough.


This stuff is pretty common. You can check this with the validator: https://validator.prestashop.com/


Yes, to prevent bots/users from accidentally calling the Ajax endpoint. Also check if the PrestaShop cookie has been set. The Addons validation team will appreciate it ;)


This is VERY VERY important! If you do not escape variables, you make it way too easy for hackers to exploit your code!


I'm sorry that you have to feel this way. Please be aware that not everyone just believes everything that the Western mainstream media say. There are folks out there who'd rather go for objective news sources. I've even cancelled my TV subscription because of too much pro-EU and anti-Russian propaganda! (...and Netflix is just way better xD )


If you'd like, you can PM me for a code review. I respect others' work, so no worries.


Thank you for your answer, today i got new decline and they sey "Usability error..." and it totaly kill me, its my module so its my usability, like i think. I wonder if some one upload his theme, they can decline this theme with same reason? like your theme not usability enough, we decline your theme...


I pm you soon.

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Sometimes I think PrestaShop hates me. 

The errors you listed in your first post are really simple and every beginner learns them instantly, but you can still get rejected for various reason. 

Once we got rejected basically for using wrong color (ok, it was not just a color, but the whole style class). 

Once we got rejected for implementing some feature "wrong way", when we proved to PrestaShop that it is impossible to implement "right way" due to bugs in PrestaShop code we still got rejected one more time. 


So, do not take it personally only developers who work with Magento, PrestaShop never drives crazy. 

And to be fair, not every module is a battle to pass validation, but bad emotions stick for a long time.

From the last three modules I submitted only one was rejected, but that one was really painful. 

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  • 4 months later...

The time it takes to perform the validation cycle is the real problem, the inconsistency with the validation process is the second, third, just the general lack of information on what the standards are.


"You have SQL security issues", why they don't put this check into the validator is beyond me, in 5000 lines of code I always manage to miss one.. (A weeks delay as it goes though the validation cycle)

Style and functionality: If they are following some kind of list to verify modules, why not provide it, it would reduce their workload as well as improving modules.  It seems at the moment that it depends on the person you draw to verify your module. (A few weeks delay as it goes though the validation cycle)

Inconsistency:  I have two modules that share some internal processing, 1st validated without any problems, the 2nd is still being rejected for a reason in a section of the code that is exactly the same as the 1st module they have already approved. (seems stuck in the weekly rejection cycle)

Understanding:  I had a previous rejection because they didn't like the way something was working in the module, until I pointed out that this was happening in the core of Prestashop not in the module. (Another weeks delay)


I'm pretty convinced there are some ways to improve this process for good, and sanity, of everyone involved.

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Me too !

I experienced at least 10 times same validation steps which rejected with unnecessary reasons (for me)


Eg: Just use a js line, that has a math calculation in module main file. I do not want to move it smarty due to smarty uses eval for math and that causes bad performance.


In fact, validation rules should helps us to use same standards and keeps addons stable&secure. So rules are rules

But I can figure tons off modules and themes that none of them could pass this validation steps or even the "module validator script". However they have been passed and activated. At its simplest one of them has hundreds lines of HTML & JS codes in module main file. 


In my opinion, rigorous validation rules have to be applied all developers all modules all themes including old ones. 

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