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Price error while comparing products between client groups

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Hi guys.

I'm new in PS environment and i'm still finishing the configuration of our new ecommerce platform. I've seen the comparing products function, and i have to say it's a very nice addition as default.

When i login as dealer (i set it as just another client group) and i want to compare some products, it gives me a red "Reduced price!" sentence under the products, a the little rectangle with the price reduction and the "old price" near it, as shown in the photo here => http://i.imgur.com/huYBZ6J.png?1

My problem is i didn't set any "old price" (i don't even know how to do it to be honest), and if the difference is clearly 0, why does it show me the price is reduced?

FYI: the prices set on these products are the price for "clients" group (the default prices) and a specific one for my "dealer" group, that's it.

I'd like to receive some help, thanks in advance.

ps: the comparing function works correctly while logged in as standard client or logged off

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Price reduction you set in price > specific price in product page. The banner for price reduced in product image you set separately on product page back-office General settings, so first tab. There is a check box for this image banner you can set.


By having strange things displayed, clear smarty cache and browser cache as first aid solution ;-)

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Nono, hold on. Maybe i explained it wrong. For those products i've 2 prices set:

1- a public standard price, so, into price tab of the product, the first infos - ok (so, for everyone)

2- a second price for the client group "dealer", with a specific price just for that group (only "dealer" selected in the client group drop down menu)

When i compare products as guest or as a normal user logged in, i don't see any "price reduced" stuff - ok, it works. When i compare as user set as client group "dealer", the compare shows me the "price reduced" stuff that i don't want to see, because there is no indications or mathematical differences in prices, because the price is what i set in the specific price tab. Price 1- is, for example, 50, and everyone see 50 if not "dealer"; Price 2- is 35, so the "dealer" customers should see 35, and no "price reduced" stuff into their comparisons. 

Maybe i'm wrong, but i don't get the logic behind.

Also, In General, first tab, i don't have the check box you say. May you link a screen or an example? Thanks for help.

Edited by Nandos (see edit history)
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