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Blocknewsletter - Re-subscribe / unsubscribe / delete users


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Hi there,


I'm using the "blocknewsletter" module (2.3.1) on Prestashop to allow users to sign up to newsletters.


I observed two strange things (assuming that an eMail address is only registered for a newsletter, and does not have a corresponding customer account with the same eMail address):

  1. Let's assume someone signs up for the newsletter, but does not click on the confirmation link that is sent by Prestashop, but instead (accidentally) deletes the eMail. In case he wants to register again, he cannot do this because he only receives the error message "This email address is already registered." when attempting to sign up again.
    From what I can see, he does not have the possibility anymore to have a proper registration process, unless I delete his eMail address "hardcode" from the SQL table ps_newsletter.

  2. Let's assume someone correctly registers for the newsletter (by clicking on the confirmation link). In that case, there is no possibility for him to unsubscribe from the newsletter? This has to be done manually in the BO (by clicking on the green mark) or by setting his "active"-flag in the SQL table ps_newsletter to 0.

  3. In case I deactivate someone's subscription (because the person cannot do it himself, see above) in "Modules --> Blocknewsletter" by clicking on the green mark, it correctly flags him as "de-active" in ps_newsletter ("active" is set to "0") and makes him disappear from the list in the module.
    However, in that case, the person cannot sign up again (getting the "This email address is already registered"-error message) and I also cannot re-activate him from the backend, because he completely disappeared from the list (but is still in the SQL table ps_newsletter). So I either have to manually delete his entry from the SQL table ps_newsletter, or set his "active" flag back to "1" in the SQL table ps_newsletter.


All these three observations sound very odd to me, and I'm just wondering if these are bugs, or if I'm just getting something wrong...


Best regards,


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  • 6 months later...

The native module from Prestashop has no unsubscribe function for the user. If you need it, you should take into consideration to buy a proper/paid module for this: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/search?id_category=0&search_query=newsletter+unsubscribe


For to deactivate users you should do it manually on back-office.


Behaviour 1) is correct behaviour of the module

Behaviour 2) it is correct.

Behaviour 3) cannot confirm this behaviour. I can deactivate newsletter and activate it again without problems. You are sure you deactivated the newsletter and not the user ? Which php version is in use ? Which PS version exactly ?

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same issue:

3. In case I deactivate someone's subscription (because the person cannot do it himself, see above) in "Modules --> Blocknewsletter" by clicking on the green mark, it correctly flags him as "de-active" in ps_newsletter ("active" is set to "0") and makes him disappear from the list in the module.
However, in that case, the person cannot sign up again (getting the "This email address is already registered"-error message) and I also cannot re-activate him from the backend, because he completely disappeared from the list (but is still in the SQL table ps_newsletter). So I either have to manually delete his entry from the SQL table ps_newsletter, or set his "active" flag back to "1" in the SQL tableps_newsletter.


Someone can help us to solve it? 

Thanks so much. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys

I have just started to use the Newsletter module in my Prestashop

I just discovered the same problem when I tried to re-subscribed an unsubscribed emailaddress

Is there any other way than the hard way to direct edit the field "Active" inte ps_newsletter table?

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

You can setup a SQL query with the SQL manager within the prestashop.

Something like:   image.thumb.png.f09f729683482bb9922dc81302407846.pngimage.thumb.png.2c3e8e1594401c359ca384378b096806.png


Then I went into the table directly (need phpMyAdmin) 


and i simply modified the SQL statement to DELETE... (need phpMyAdmin because PrestaShop does not allow to directly add a delete query)


You can execute the query within presta shop now anytime you need it.

(It will execute and kinda show a crash message.... However it WILL run the query... simply return to your shop and all non active users are deleted.

BEWARE... with this method, depending what SQL query you write... you can destroy your shop...


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