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[Solved] Back Office changes won't save (Bluehost Varnish Cache)

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Seems the more I use PS the more little bugs and quirks I'm finding *sigh* I hope my 1000 odd pounds spent on modules isn't money flushed down the drain <_<


One of the three PS stores I'm building all of a sudden isn't saving changes that I'm making. I'm trying to make changes in the Performance area, under the Smarty section. I'm trying to choose Force Compilation and change Cache to No, but every time I click the Save button the changes are gone (even though it says 'successful update' up the top).


Really starting to loose my patience with things like this... :angry:


ETA: So I just went into one of my products and changed the quantity just to see if the change could be saved and it could be. So I went back to the Performance area and my previous changes are now showing! What the??


ETA (again): I just went back to the product page to check the quantity and it's back to what it was before I (thought I) saved it! WTF is going on? I'm really starting to loose my sh*t with PS :angry: :angry: :angry::wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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Please contact your hosting company as to me (unless you have some cache enabled bottom of performance page) maybe hosting has an underlying cache that  could be causing these issues.  TIP: when you are about to lose your mind, go for a walk or anything besides looking at the screen.  All good things take hard work.

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Thank you El Patron, not really sure what to ask them (Bluehost)... 'Do you have a cache issue?' LOL


ETA: Just chatting with them now (managed to get through really fast for a change - I guess midnight my time is a good time to reach them lol)

Edited by kinderyum (see edit history)
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Bluehost just 'cleared my cache' for me and all appears to be well again :) So my formal apologies to Prestashop in my posts above!  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:

On a side note: I wonder if this was what was causing my problems in my other recent post 'Shipping Cost showing in Cart for Visitors - How to turn off?' hmmm

Edited by kinderyum (see edit history)
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Thank you El Patron, not really sure what to ask them (Bluehost)... 'Do you have a cache issue?' LOL


ETA: Just chatting with them now (managed to get through really fast for a change - I guess midnight my time is a good time to reach them lol)


yes, explain to them the behavior,  maybe they have something like varnish cache enabled for that hosting plan.  Remember this is not WordPress, most hosting is configured for that CMS.  

Bluehost just 'cleared my cache' for me and all appears to be well again :) So my formal apologies to Prestashop in my posts above!  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:


Great news, hopefully they will share with you how you can clear this yourself, or maybe best not to use their built in cache...:)

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Chat Transcript with Bluehost (in case it helps anyone else!!)



Hello Penny, thank you for contacting support. My name is Blessie. I apologize for the wait time. Your patience is greatly appreciated.




Could I get the primary domain on the account, please?


(removed for privacy)


(removed for privacy)


Thank you for validating.


And how can I help you today?


I seem to be having some cache issues with this website


Can you please hold while I review your account? I will get back to you in 2 to 3 minutes?




thank you


I have cleared all the cache


Now you will not have any issues


Can I test


while you wait?




And is this cache clearing something I can do myself?




You can go to your cpanel>p[erformance>clear cache


I tried to do it in my website cache files, how is that different?


Can you explain it to me?


Since you are in cloud hosting , cache will be there. you can go to your cpanel and clear the cache at any time


Enabling/Disabling Varnish Caching will take a couple of minutes to go into effect and may impact active cookie sessions.


What is Varnish Caching


Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture.


How come you mentioned it? Just wondering how it relates to my initial issue?


Since you are in cloud hosting ,there will be varnish cache, so if we clear the cache it will inbcrease the speed and you will not have any issues


How often does it need to be done?


You can clear it at any time,. once in a week


As soon as my customers or myself start having issues?


yes,before that only you can clear it once in a week


before what?


I mean to say before you have any issues


I see, thanks

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