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Customer & Merchant not receiving order confirmation email after purchase


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Hi there,


I've been looking online and tried many ways in order to solve the problem stated in the topic title.

My Paypal Pro module does not generate order confirmation emails and, for this reason, they are not being automatically sent by Prestashop to the customer's and merchant's email address.


I'm using the module Paypal Pro bought from Presto-Changeo; I'm using it with my Paypal Pro Business account, not a free Paypal account, so the error doesn't come from bad settings either. The customer service at Presto-Changeo has been working on this bug for more than a week now and they still have to solve it, reason why I'm asking you guys. You're my only hope left now.


The emails in Advanced Parameters are set up correctly (they are being generated and sent by other payment modules, but not by Paypal Pro). In the emails section of Prestashop you can clearly see that they are not even created when an order is processed through Paypal Pro, whereas they get created with other payment modules.


I receive the popup notifications inside the backoffice and the order gets created, so everything works apart this email problem; it's a big nuisance though because the customer doesn't receive the email and might think there is a problem with the order. A shop is not supposed to work like this and I don't want to give a bad impression to my customers.


The module "Mail Alerts" is set up correctly to send emails to the admin account (which works given that I receive order confirmation emails with the other payment modes) so I don't really know what else to try.


Can you guys help me shed some light on this mystery?

Thanks a lot to anyone who bothered to read and eventually reply.



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Hi Vekia, thank you for your reply!

Up until now we have used Paypal Europe Free and HiPay on our website and the emails were working fine: both modules would create emails and send them to customers and merchant.

As soon as we switched to Paypal Pro, though, customers and the merchant are not receiving emails - Prestashop doesn't even create them (this can be seen in the Email settings tab).

Do you have any suggestions on how this problem is happening?

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