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1 order in BO returns error 500

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Hi all.

I have one order that I cannot open in back office. It returns error code 500 each time. All other orders opens fine and as far as I can see there is nothing speciel about this one. I can get hold of the invoice via the icon on the order page but the delivery slip also returns a 500.


Any solutions in mind?

Thanks, Michael

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Ofcourse, my bad :)


When I do this I get

Strict Standards: Declaration of Cart::checkQuantities() should be compatible with CartCore::checkQuantities($return_product = false) in /www/thatsmine.dk/override/classes/Cart.php on line 215

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor() in /www/thatsmine.dk/classes/ImageManager.php on line 237
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Much better now :)


Looks like you have some override. Probably a module is installed that changes the checkQuantities function in the Cart class, but it looks like this module is not compatible with your version of Prestashop.


The second error - I'm not sure, the imagecreatetruecolor is a PHP function from the GD library, maybe you don't have that library turned on, or the version is not correct.

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That doesn't make sense Daresh. When I disable all overrides and non PS modules I still get the error above and it is one 1 order that returns error 500. All other orders show just as they should.

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this error could be shown if you don't have enabled GD extension in your server/hosting settings. You should check if you have GD extension enabled on your hosting:

you can test it by following this short example:

Use the following code in a whatever.php file to test if you have GD extension:

$testGD = get_extension_funcs("gd"); // Grab function list
if (!$testGD){ echo "GD not even installed."; exit; }


test it by opening in browser: yourdomain.com/whatever.php

If you get the message that it's not installed, then check the following steps:

  1. phpinfo() and look up php.ini path
  2. edit php.ini: extension_dir=<path to your extensions>
  3. edit php.ini: extension=php_gd2.dll //uncomment or add
  4. Restart web server
  5. Run the test script again

or just simply by asking your hosting in a ticket or live chat.

Regards, Leo

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