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Redirect after login


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I'm a newbie and I hope someone could help me!

I'm looking for a solution for this problem: in the product page, I want a download button for the product specification that is available only if I am logged in; so, if I'm not, I click on the button, log in or create new account, than I want to go back to the product page and download the product specification.
It seems not so complicated but I'm not able to find a solution! I'll try to set a variable to store the product url to use for redirect after login...no way! How can I do?
Sorry for my english, hope you understand my issue.

Thanks a lot!



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I think you should set a variable (or cookie) just before redirection.


And edit the login page to check if your cookie/variable is set. If so, make redirection to the product page. If it is not set, keep the default behavior.


Not as easy as it seems ;)

Edited by electriz (see edit history)
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Thank you electriz!


Yes, you say right! But my problem is that I'm already try to set a variable (I'm trying with Smarty variable, set as global or root ecc...) but with no success. I think there must be a simple way to set a variable and share it in this enviroment, or not?? Tnx a lot for your help!

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