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[SOLVED] Simple Custom Page

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What's the best way to create a simple custom page inside PrestaShop that includes just the header, the footer and some custom content in between? I assume I can just copy an already existing PHP and corresponding TPL file, rename them and then edit them like that? Which is the best one to copy?

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I think prices-drop.php is a pretty simple page that you can use as a guide for what to do, though it doesn't import init.php. Here's a template you can use:



$smarty->assign(array('variable1' => 'value1', 'variable2', 'value2'));



This code will make all of Prestashop's variables accessible to your template, display the header, call the custom template in your theme (passing variable1 and variable2 into the custom template) for the content of the page, then display the footer.

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Excuse my noobiness, but just so I know, what do the following two lines mean?

include(dirname(__FILE__).'/init.php'); - What is init.php?
$smarty->assign(array('variable1' => 'value1', 'variable2', 'value2')); - What are these variables?


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The file init.php declares many of Prestashop's variables like $cookie, which will allow your custom.tpl to access lots of useful information. On the second line, I made up variable1 and variable2 to show you how to pass your own custom variables into custom.tpl.

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