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Ps 1.6 Theme Configurator "add Item" Html Issue

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Hey everyone, as of this morning I am having a weird bug that popped up out of nowhere. My site has been functioning just fine for nearly a year now and this morning for some reason my HTML code under the "Add Item" for the Theme Configurator module with the hook_home configuration has gotten rid of all of the HTML styling. It is now just plain text without any styling and going into my custom block 1-3 and reentering the HTML styling does nothing. If I open my dev console in Chrome and input it there it shows properly so its not the coding, but it appears to be a weird issue with PS.


Now after I have input the HTML code (tried many different configurations with/without div class tags, etc.) and click save my front end displays plain text and the back end HTML portion removes all the styling and displays the input font with nonsense tags. Has anyone experienced this, or has a solution? This was all working fine up until this morning. I have gone into the hook.tpl file under theme configurator looking for a solution without any luck. I have attached images for you all to take a look over. I am on PS currently. Thanks in advance.













Edited by JDub1337 (see edit history)
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The issue is any of the Theme Configurator HTML "Optional HTML code" sections. If I touch any of the remaining working HTML blocks it removes the formatting and puts as plain text on the website. This is driving me absolutely insane. Does anyone have a solution?



Edited by JDub1337 (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...

Hey JDub, I started having the same issue today. Did you have any luck finding the solution for it? Thanks!


Hello Jose2250,


Yes I did in fact figure it out but I never posted a response. I apologize for that. It turns out the module was updated (theme configurator) and it was causing the issue. I simply uninstalled it and reinstalled it with the last previous working version (v0.8) and reinstated my HTML content, placed the bits accordingly in the layout, and it worked again. Also, keep in mine some special characters can cause issues with this as well and will reject the formatting for whatever reason. Post up your specific issue and we can work through it together. I know how frustrating it can be. Thanks!



Edited by JDub1337 (see edit history)
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