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add phone numbers to order confirmation emails

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in the order confirmation emails i get there is no phone number - seems that the customer can enter "phone_mobile" - but the order email tries to send "phone".

how do i change that so that the mail alerts shows both phone numbers?

when I add then smarty code for invoice_phone_mobile or delivery_phone_mobile to the mail alert template it does not get parsed - the mail shows just the smarty code.

So what do I have to change?

Also where can I change which phone number gets asked during checkout ( i use one page checkout module)


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It is the $data variable in classes/PaymentModule.php that defines the data that is passed into the order confirmation email. You can add the mobile phone number by adding the following lines to the $data:

'{delivery_phone_mobile}' => $delivery->phone_mobile,
'{invoice_phone_mobile}' => $invoice->phone_mobile,

I'm unfamiliar with the one-page checkout module, so I can't help you there.

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  • 1 year later...

I tried to add shop's phone as a variable in classes/PaymentModule.php but I couldn't get it to work. Here's what I did.


'{shop_phone}' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE')

under the $data array.

The data is not passed to the bankwire.html mail, only showing up as {shop_phone}.

Could you advise what I did wrong?

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