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etcleanblue 2 errors. Can anyone help

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I have tried to get hold of the chap who sold me this cart to sort these problems but hes disapeared but found this great website.

Its to do with the 'etcleanblue' template only. The cart works with the other but this one looks the best.
1. The pricing comes up with the VAT included despite changing on the backoffice to show pricing without Vat path ---Preferences > products > Price display ' tax excluded'

2. In the Cart Block. when items are added the prices and overlapping each other especially if there are half dozen added.

3. Clicking onto a product picture or View to click through the picture becomes stretched. Not sure what thats about.

Can anyone help with this??

the website is here - http://www.dlthygieneservices.com/



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Viewing in Mozilla Firefox.

Attached is my screen shot of your cart summary and cart block.

You do have tax excluded - sorry from the US so I'm not familiar with VAT but I can see that there are dollars being added it' looks like between 20% and 21%. Is there another option for you to remove the VAT %.

I don't get any stretching no matter where I try to view products at.

The cart block appears OK. If the descriptions are longer they appear to go to another line but they don't necessarily overlap.


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