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Date of last added product

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I suggest adding the following code in the appropriate PHP file for the TPL you are displaying the date in:

$result = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT MAX(`date_add`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`');
$lastProductAddedDate = $result['MAX(`date_add`)'];
$smarty->assign('lastProductAddedDate', $lastProductAddedDate);

Then you can use {$lastProductAddedDate} in the TPL wherever you want the date displayed.

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you,

I am trying to use it on editorial module, which displays some text on homepage, whee in modules/editorial/editorial.php should I insert this code? Also will it work if i put {$lastProductAddedDate} in the text while editing the home text (i.e. not in .tpl)?

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No, you can't use Smarty code in the text editor on the configuration page. You can only use Smarty code in TPL files.

Change the hookHome function in modules/editorial/editorial.php from:

function hookHome($params)
   if (file_exists('modules/editorial/editorial.xml'))
       if ($xml = simplexml_load_file('modules/editorial/editorial.xml'))
           global $cookie, $smarty;
               'xml' => $xml,
               'homepage_logo' => file_exists('modules/editorial/homepage_logo.jpg'),
               'logo_subheading' => 'logo_subheading_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'title' => 'title_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'subheading' => 'subheading_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'paragraph' => 'paragraph_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'this_path' => $this->_path
           return $this->display(__FILE__, 'editorial.tpl');
   return false;


function hookHome($params)
   if (file_exists('modules/editorial/editorial.xml'))
       if ($xml = simplexml_load_file('modules/editorial/editorial.xml'))
           global $cookie, $smarty;
           $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT MAX(`date_add`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`');
           $lastProductAddedDate = $result['MAX(`date_add`)'];
               'xml' => $xml,
               'homepage_logo' => file_exists('modules/editorial/homepage_logo.jpg'),
               'logo_subheading' => 'logo_subheading_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'title' => 'title_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'subheading' => 'subheading_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'paragraph' => 'paragraph_'.$cookie->id_lang,
               'this_path' => $this->_path,
               'lastProductAddedDate', $lastProductAddedDate
           return $this->display(__FILE__, 'editorial.tpl');
   return false;

Then you can put {$lastProductAddedDate} wherever you want in editorial.tpl.

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