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Change phone symbol on homepage into whatsapp symbol

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I'm testing a prestashop at [...].pswebshop.com.

Two questions: 


1. can I get to the files, like if the where at any payed provider? If so: how?

2. I want to change the phone symbol on the homepage in a whatsapp symbol/logo. Is this possible and how?


Thanks for your help

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you need to download the latest font awesome and replace in the prestashop default theme, and change the call in the blockcontact 




from phont to icon-whatsapp


and add in the css too


.icon-whatsapp:before {
  1. content"";
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Thanks for your answer.


Although I don't know  ;-)


1. what you mean with ' and replace in the prestashop default theme

>should I replace a font in the default theme to change a pic?

>or do you mean I change something in the theme?


2. 'change the call in the blockcontact themes/default-bootstrap/sass/modules/blockcontact/blockcontact.tplfrom phont to icon-whatsapp

3. the last step I get, BUT

can I copy-past that because I see a little sqaure in that code?

What will that do?

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