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Decoding problem with html entities


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Hi guys , i'm having problem with import some products, specifically inside the product description there are HTML entity like this one

<!-- full description -->
<div id="idTab1" class="rte">
- Borsa in pelle saffiano&lt;br /&gt;- Dettagli dorati&lt;br /&gt;- Tracolla regolabile con catena&lt;br /&gt;- Dimensioni: 16x20x5 cm

and this is generated by the product.tpl with this

<!-- full description -->
<div id="idTab1" class="rte">{$product->description}</div>

There is any solution to get the html instead these entities?

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1) From what I can see, you are not importing html entities, but already predefined classes... (ID-TAB, rte). Pre-defined classes code you cannot import at all.


2) For HTML-entities: HTML-entities you cannot import as per default Prestashop native import. You should consider to strip html-entities entirely from the source, by adding only text, or to use another import tool. I use Presta Store Manger, but also there you cannot strip all html entities, why the first way I told you is better (strip them from the text)


Afterwards, so after you imported your text you can format it with Prestashop tinyMCE editor.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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I don't know what do you mean, maybe i was not be clear. I my db the description of my product look in this way 


- Sandalo in camoscio con listino a T&lt;br /&gt;- Listino regolabile&lt;br /&gt;- Tacco in plexi sfumato trasparente 9 cm&lt;br /&gt;- Fondo cuoio


So characters like & i new to transform in html.. what do you think will be the solution?

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You are trying to import classes:



<!-- full description -->
<div id="idTab1" class="rte">


<!-- full description -->
<div id="idTab1" class="rte">{$product->description}</div>



For to strip the incorrect charset (this is what you mean with " &lt;br /&gt;" you should verify the method you are trying to import your csv-file. You should save your file as UTF-8 encoding and import it by the same encoding. Your database should be also encoded correctly by using correct charset and collation - for this please ask your provider, perhaps database is not correct configured.

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