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tracking shipment number

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I would like to adjust the shipping email send to the customer where I would display the url of the tracking and the tracking number seperately. I've added {shipping_number} (this is the column of the table PS_ORDERS in the shipping.html but it doesn't return the shipping number. What am I missing. I'm sorry but I'm a real dummy
Thanks in advance for your help

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@rain3r: the button shipping number is placed @ admin -> orders -> detail view.

@nicklelinea: it needs a bit configuration. Shipping-> carriers -> detail view: you can enter a url. this should be the tracking url. the place for the shipping number should be market with an @ (and is replaced later by prestashop)

@graes0: its a confirmed feature, so it's very likely that you don't have to modify anything if you can await the next version / rc


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