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Fixing a Minimum number of products for discount voucher


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Hi - I can't find this on the forum so it probably means that it is easy and I am overlooking something...
I am setting up a jewellery and supplies store and would like to create a quantity discount on satin cords like this:

* -5% on 4 coils or +
* -10% on 8 coils or +
* -15% on 12 coils or +
* -20% on 16 coils or +

Of course to do this I need to be able to fix a minimum for each coupon so that the user cannot apply a -10% discount on a basket of 4 coils...

I have been trying to apply this using the voucher system. There is a minimum purchase amount section in back office but I cannot use that as this discount will apply to several groups of cord at a time at different prices. I need to fix a minimum number of products instead.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly welcomed.


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Unless I've misunderstood, I think you can just go to the "6. Discounts" tab on the product editor and enter the following quantity discounts:

Product quantity, Discount value, Discount type
4, 5, By %
8, 10, By %
12, 15, By %
16, 20, By %

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Thanks very much for your reply -
I had checked that out -

but doesn't this method imply that the discount will only apply if the customer buys 4 rolls of the same colour? - I need the discount to apply to entire groups of cord so that when they get to checkout, the discount applies regardless of what cord group their selection belongs to as long as they have 4.

Client buys -
1 coil of blue satin cord 2mm
1 coil of red satin cord 2mm
1coil of green satin cord 1.5mm
1 coil of korean cord

See what I mean?

Either I find a way for the system to calculate automatically at checkout (rather tricky) or the client manually enters a coupon code hence my need to fix a minimum number of products for each code.

How can I go about this?


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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 years later...

i got the same problem here and already tried to search the forum for the solution but still don't find until now.


in my case, i want to set up discount just like Vezy did by applying discount on specific category and not on only 1 product.


i tried use catalog price rules, at first i thought it was working well but when in trial and error stage i found out that the discount applied only if 1 bought 2 pcs of 1 product and not 1 pc for 2 products.


then i tried use cart rules. this one is really frustrating me.

for example, in my store i have "ABC" (artist name, contains all products from this artist) and "ABC live in concert" (specific products is placed here)


i've set all the parameters for the discount under "Condition" tab by setting the option "Product selection" at the bottom:


The cart must contain at least 2 product(s) matching the following rules:


Add the rule concerning "Categories"


then i choose the categories. when i choose "ABC live in concert", in FO i can choose 2 products 1EA and the discount works well. but when i choose the categories "ABC", the discount didn't work at all when it was supposed to works too because "ABC live in concert" goods also included in "ABC" categories.



and the other things that frustrated me, when i add to cart "DEF" goods, the discount also applied to it when it was supposed to only works on "ABC" goods.


and sometimes, i got this error message on my header

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/k9048327/public_html/classes/CartRule.php on line 232




help pleasseeee......T____T

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