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Problem z płatnościami



Witam serdecznie,


posiadam sklep na prestashop 1.6.x i pojawił się pewien problem. Otóż przy realizacji zamówienia, wyskakuję błąd 500 (już po kliknięciu "potwierdzam").


czytałem iż, może to być związane z id w bazie danych, natomiast tutaj nie było nic zmieniane. Jeszcze do wczoraj wszystko działało normalnie.


W czym może być problem?


W logach mam taki zapis: PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order cannot be created


W debugerze mam taką informację:


Can't save Order
at line 335 in file classes/PaymentModule.php

330. 					$result = $order->add();
332. 					if (!$result)
333. 					{
334. 						PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order cannot be created', 3, null, 'Cart', (int)$id_cart, true);
335. 						throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order');
336. 					}
338. 					// Amount paid by customer is not the right one -> Status = payment error
339. 					// We don't use the following condition to avoid the float precision issues : http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
340. 					// if ($order->total_paid != $order->total_paid_real)
PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder - [line 64 - modules/bankwire/controllers/front/validation.php] - [9 Arguments]
BankwireValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess - [line 171 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
ControllerCore->run - [line 374 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
Edited by Gabro (see edit history)
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Tutaj kompletny zapis:

Can't save Order
at line 335 in file classes/PaymentModule.php

330. 					$result = $order->add();
332. 					if (!$result)
333. 					{
334. 						PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order cannot be created', 3, null, 'Cart', (int)$id_cart, true);
335. 						throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order');
336. 					}
338. 					// Amount paid by customer is not the right one -> Status = payment error
339. 					// We don't use the following condition to avoid the float precision issues : http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
340. 					// if ($order->total_paid != $order->total_paid_real)
PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder - [line 64 - modules/bankwire/controllers/front/validation.php] - [9 Arguments]
59. 			'{bankwire_owner}' => Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_OWNER'),
60. 			'{bankwire_details}' => nl2br(Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_DETAILS')),
61. 			'{bankwire_address}' => nl2br(Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_ADDRESS'))
62. 		);
64. 		$this->module->validateOrder($cart->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_BANKWIRE'), $total, $this->module->displayName, NULL, $mailVars, (int)$currency->id, false, $customer->secure_key);
65. 		Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order-confirmation&id_cart='.$cart->id.'&id_module='.$this->module->id.'&id_order='.$this->module->currentOrder.'&key='.$customer->secure_key);
66. 	}
67. }
BankwireValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess - [line 171 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
166. 			// setMedia MUST be called before postProcess
167. 			if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className)))
168. 				$this->setMedia();
170. 			// postProcess handles ajaxProcess
171. 			$this->postProcess();
173. 			if (!empty($this->redirect_after))
174. 				$this->redirect();
176. 			if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className)))
ControllerCore->run - [line 374 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
369. 			// Execute hook dispatcher
370. 			if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher))
371. 				Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher);
373. 			// Running controller
374. 			$controller->run();
375. 		}
376. 		catch (PrestaShopException $e)
377. 		{
378. 			$e->displayMessage();
379. 		}
DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
23. *  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
24. *  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
25. */
27. require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php');
28. Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();
Edited by Gabro (see edit history)
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Dodatkowo wyświetla mi błąd: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/jagram/domains/jagram.pro-linuxpl.com/public_html/sklep/classes/Cart.php on line 1440




Nieznana kolumna 'round_mode' w field list


I kolejna masa błędów... 


Czy na prawdę nikt nie spotkał się z tym problemem?

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