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Bank Wire Payment - 500 Internal Server Error


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today i got a big problem, and i don`t know how to solve it :(

my problem is internal server error , when i conformed the order. I tried to change permissions Bankwire folder to 755, files inside to 644 it still doesn't work.

Then i tried to changer default database tables ps_order_state ant ps_order_state_lang, it still doesn`t work. Then i tried to reset module installation, same...


Also i saw in the logs file get error : *ERROR* 2014/12/10 - 00:47:44: Can't load Order status at line 175 in file classes/PaymentModule.php .


I hope so you understand me, and can help. because i don`t have any ideas :(


Please help.



P.S also i got this error on all payments modules. Bankwire, paypal, cashondelivery and etc. :(

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HI ,


i'm getting also error 500 - but i cant find anything on log (he is empty )
it's happens when i'm trying to buy with cheque option .


what shell i do 


my site is :



the last option  in my buying process is the cheque option

Edited by dvir (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


I also have this issue with the validation page of bankwire module upon payment option selection.

I've followed some ways proposed in other topics to solve it, but didn't worked (change of permissions to 755, enabling friendly url, forcing compilation...).

I would appreciate that someone point me out to the "right direction".

My configuration:


Server information: Linux #1 SMP Tue Aug 19 10:37:27 EDT 2014 x86_64

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.3.29

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 30

MySQL version: 5.5.40-cll

PrestaShop version:


And my log error:


Property Order->payment is empty
at line 866 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

862.             $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field);
863.             if ($message !== true)
864.             {
865.                 if ($die)
866.                     throw new PrestaShopException($message);
867.                 return $error_return ? $message : false;
868.             }
869.         }
871.         return true;
  • ObjectModelCore->validateFields - [line 272 - classes/ObjectModel.php]
    267.      *
    268.      * @return array All object fields
    269.      */
    270.     public function getFields()
    271.     {
    272.         $this->validateFields();
    273.         $fields = $this->formatFields(self::FORMAT_COMMON);
    275.         // For retro compatibility
    276.         if (Shop::isTableAssociated($this->def['table']))
    277.             $fields = array_merge($fields, $this->getFieldsShop());
  • ObjectModelCore->getFields - [line 299 - classes/order/Order.php]
    294.     public function getFields()
    295.     {
    296.         if (!$this->id_lang)
    297.             $this->id_lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT', null, null, $this->id_shop);
    299.         return parent::getFields();
    300.     }
    302.     public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = true)
    303.     {
    304.         if (parent::add($autodate, $null_values))
  • OrderCore->getFields - [line 480 - classes/ObjectModel.php]
    475.         }
    477.         // Database insertion
    478.         if (Shop::checkIdShopDefault($this->def['table']))
    479.             $this->id_shop_default = min($id_shop_list);
    480.         if (!$result = ObjectModel::$db->insert($this->def['table'], $this->getFields(), $null_values))
    481.             return false;
    483.         // Get object id in database
    484.         $this->id = ObjectModel::$db->Insert_ID();
  • ObjectModelCore->add - [line 304 - classes/order/Order.php] - [2 Arguments]
    299.         return parent::getFields();
    300.     }
    302.     public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = true)
    303.     {
    304.         if (parent::add($autodate, $null_values))
    305.             return SpecificPrice::deleteByIdCart($this->id_cart);
    306.         return false;
    307.     }
    309.     public function getTaxCalculationMethod()
  • OrderCore->add - [line 335 - classes/PaymentModule.php]
    331.                     if (self::DEBUG_MODE)
    332.                         PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int)$id_cart, true);
    334.                     // Creating order
    335.                     $result = $order->add();
    337.                     if (!$result)
    338.                     {
    339.                         PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order cannot be created', 3, null, 'Cart', (int)$id_cart, true);
    340.                         throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order');
  • PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder - [line 64 - modules/bankwire/controllers/front/validation.php] - [9 Arguments]
    59.             '{bankwire_owner}' => Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_OWNER'),
    60.             '{bankwire_details}' => nl2br(Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_DETAILS')),
    61.             '{bankwire_address}' => nl2br(Configuration::get('BANK_WIRE_ADDRESS'))
    62.         );
    64.         $this->module->validateOrder($cart->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_BANKWIRE'), $total, $this->module->displayName, NULL, $mailVars, (int)$currency->id, false, $customer->secure_key);
    65.         Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order-confirmation&id_cart='.$cart->id.'&id_module='.$this->module->id.'&id_order='.$this->module->currentOrder.'&key='.$customer->secure_key);
    66.     }
    67. }
  • BankwireValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess - [line 171 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
    166.             // setMedia MUST be called before postProcess
    167.             if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className)))
    168.                 $this->setMedia();
    170.             // postProcess handles ajaxProcess
    171.             $this->postProcess();
    173.             if (!empty($this->redirect_after))
    174.                 $this->redirect();
    176.             if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className)))
  • ControllerCore->run - [line 374 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
    369.             // Execute hook dispatcher
    370.             if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher))
    371.                 Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher);
    373.             // Running controller
    374.             $controller->run();
    375.         }
    376.         catch (PrestaShopException $e)
    377.         {
    378.             $e->displayMessage();
    379.         }
  • DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
    23. * @license http://opensource.or...ses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
    24. * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
    25. */
    27. require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php');
    28. Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();
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