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Advanced stock management cart is empty


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We start to use PrestaShop multi store with Advanced Stock Management. 

We have created  a warehouse and made accessible for both shops (A and B)

A. Shop

B. shop


First try:: 

for product (refrence: 03008) we have created quantity 2. in warehouse


We have made the following settings for product:




After these settings and trying to put the product into the basket shop B get the inscription:


"You already have the maximum quantity available for this product."



When I add a product in shop A I get always empty Cart



Where could be the problem? Why we can't buy in this shops>? 

Thank you for ansvers 

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The problem is probably that PrestaShop with Advanced Stock Management and Multistore enabled check if quantities in all open carts is equal or bigger than the stock quantity and if the carts quantity is bigger than the stock it does not allow to add the product anymore.

But I am not sure if this logic is good.

Edited by Richard S (see edit history)
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