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Block layered avoid brake

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How can I avoid a break after two word on filter after the check box.


I want to have for ex.


checkbock - Diabetes and in the next line Mellitus


I tried to change the font-size on blocklayered.css, but it is not working. Also when I have the same value in blocklayered-15.css.


Which css is responsible for the blocklayered in default bootstrap theme, PS


Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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This lines are already by default there (default bootstrap clone changed only colors) and no effect as you can see on screen. I have several of this lines and it is horrible for to read.


lines 97-98

#layered_block_left .nomargin a {
  display: inline; }

I tried to shorten the features, but I cannot shorten brands like " animonda gran carno, or animonda vom Feinsten" It is a brand and user will search on exact this name. Only by animonda not possible, because gran carno, carny, vom Feinsten, etc. are sub-brands for special cases (special diet program).


BTW: my blocklayered is hooked to the right, Could be this a problem ? I don't have left column.


Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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I tried also this:

white-space: nowrap;

to li, but this than overrides the column on the right of the other feature.


I'm not a css expert, is there any other possbility to have the break on right place instead of after the check-box ? Perhaps there is necessary to have more than one brake. see second screen atttached.





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