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Hi All,


This morning my site was working fine. now, for no reason the whole front end is blank and the back office only logs into the main dashboard.


I am on version 1.6


When I view the source code for the index page there is nothing.


Any thought please.


take a look...







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do you have access to php.ini on root of your site? ...because, even i have access and i can write on it, until my host write on it and restart my host, the changes didn't take effect.

This are my php.ini changes, which ensure the good functionality of site

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off

Hope you will get it soon to work

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i am still getting the same error message even though i have increased it to 256M.
is it possible there might be something else?
kind regards,



no it's not possible

you exceeded memory limit 

ask your hoster about increasing memory limit

there is a chance that you haven't got permission to alter php configuration from ini file

(and it's common for shared hostings)

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is always about to Vekia, not even worth answering in this forum

Always is worth answering in the forum...and vekia is a very helpful person :)...

I always try to answer, even my answer are not at expert level, because at my turn, someone helped me...is about give it back..about community...about presta.....

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