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[PS] Poor Quality on Uploaded Images

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I noticed a drop in quality while uploading images to PS via the uploader. Is this a known issue with PS or should I be looking somewhere else?


I'll post up some comparison images later in the day, but any input for now would be good!

Edited by hideaki (see edit history)
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My image settings are as follows:


Image Quality: Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format.

JPEG Quality: 99

PNG Quality: 1


I have also tried different options for Image Quality, but apparently they still look slightly similar with loss of quality after Image Regeneration.


Here are 2 comparison pictures for reference:





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Does this happen when you re-upload your image with the png set to zero? I'm not sure PS holds an exact copy. You may need to set png to "0" and re-upload your image.


>>No one else is suffering this problem?          


Keep in mind that like most PHP apps, PS is using the image processing routines that are built into the PHP installed on your server.


Couple more things ... are you uploading .png files? If so please save a copy in high quality .jpg and upload that, again make sure png is "0".



Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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Bill knows much more than I do on the PHP end so I would go with his suggestions.

I did notice that the original image size is 1000 x 1500 and Your Image block is 391 x 586

If you scale down the original image with constrained proportions is would actually be 391 x 587

I am not so sure the extra pixel would make a discernible difference but with what Bill mentioned on how PHP apps handle images, perhaps it's enough to cause a slight loss in quality.

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Does this happen when you re-upload your image with the png set to zero? I'm not sure PS holds an exact copy. You may need to set png to "0" and re-upload your image.


>>No one else is suffering this problem?          


Keep in mind that like most PHP apps, PS is using the image processing routines that are built into the PHP installed on your server.


Couple more things ... are you uploading .png files? If so please save a copy in high quality .jpg and upload that, again make sure png is "0".




Hi Bill, many thanks for your replies. I have removed the original image, set the PNG Quality to 0, and uploaded a new copy. However, I'm still seeing a drop in quality on the uploaded image. If you notice, there is a difference in color as well. You can see it here: http://i.imgur.com/rTVuwQO.png


Do you mean that this could possibly be the problem of the PHP installed on the server? If so, what should I check with my web host about?


Currently, I am uploading images as .png files, I will do as per your suggestion and we'll see how it goes. Do we still keep Image Quality as " Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format."? I have also set JPEG Quality to 100.

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From what I can tell by looking at the code, PS only names the images with a jpg extension, but it actually uses png as the file format because it is can be loss less. So basically when you upload a jpg file it converts it to png but doesn't change the extension.


You can see this very well, note the size a jpg file before you upload, next look at the size of the file after PS uploads the image. It will be much larger. You can see the directory each image is stored in when you are in Catalog  > Products  > Images, just hold your mouse over an image to see where it is located on disk.


Yes, keep the Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format.

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Hi Bill,


I have tried saving the image as a JPG file in max quality, but I'm still pretty much getting the same results.


I have uploaded the comparison here: http://i.imgur.com/3F9qi13.png


The left image is the original image resized to 391px x 587px and the right image is the image uploaded to PS. Do you notice the difference between them? The left image looks sharper than the uploaded image.


In the meantime, I am also checking with the web host with regards to this.


Do let me know if  you have any other ideas. Thanks!

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I currently am using PS


I installed the latest version last night PS and I can confirm that it blurred the images. I'm surprised we are not hearing more about this. It is probably because in most cases the blurred image isn't that noticeable. But in your case you can clearly see the difference.


I don't think it is your host. There may be a problem here. If you could make a couple of your images available on your sever, that have not been processed by PS I's like to try a few tests. Could you do that for me and post the links ...

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Any news on this? I am having the same issue. I switched to uploading PNG's, but they are way to heavy (size is increased by 3 times because of the upload).


I checked /classes/ImageManager.php and on line 142 it actually says:


JPG reencoding by GD, even with max quality setting, degrades the image


Then why not switch to a different PHP library???

Edited by connectcase (see edit history)
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I think it's because most shared hosting do not enable/install ImageMagick by default.


Like for my case, it took me a pain to get my web host to enable ImageMagick. I'm going to try overriding the code to see if ImageMagick works better, and will post my findings here.

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Did some hacking (overriding) to ImageManager.php using ImageMagick for the resizing instead of the crappy GD library. 


And here's the results: http://imgur.com/JJ7HtUc


Image on the left is the original image (1000px x 1500px) resized to 391px x 587px via PhotoShop, while the one on the right was done with ImageMagick. 


What do you guys think?

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Agreed. I would like to see the code as well!


Sure, here's my code for the resize() function in ImageManager. Do ensure that ImageMagick is enabled on your server!

	 * Resize, cut and optimize image
	 * @param string $src_file Image object from $_FILE
	 * @param string $dst_file Destination filename
	 * @param integer $dst_width Desired width (optional)
	 * @param integer $dst_height Desired height (optional)
	 * @param string $file_type
	 * @return boolean Operation result
	public static function resize($src_file, $dst_file, $dst_width = null, $dst_height = null, $file_type = 'jpg', $force_type = false, &$error = 0)
		if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300)
			clearstatcache(true, $src_file);
		if (!file_exists($src_file) || !filesize($src_file))
			return !($error = self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXIST);

		list($src_width, $src_height, $type) = getimagesize($src_file);

		// If PS_IMAGE_QUALITY is activated, the generated image will be a PNG with .jpg as a file extension.
		// This allow for higher quality and for transparency. JPG source files will also benefit from a higher quality
		// because JPG reencoding by GD, even with max quality setting, degrades the image.
		if (Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_QUALITY') == 'png_all'
			|| (Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_QUALITY') == 'png' && $type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) && !$force_type)
			$file_type = 'png';

		if (!$src_width)
			return !($error = self::ERROR_FILE_WIDTH);
		if (!$dst_width)
			$dst_width = $src_width;
		if (!$dst_height)
			$dst_height = $src_height;

		//$src_image = ImageManager::create($type, $src_file);
		$src_image = new Imagick($src_file);

		$width_diff = $dst_width / $src_width;
		$height_diff = $dst_height / $src_height;

		if ($width_diff > 1 && $height_diff > 1)
			$next_width = $src_width;
			$next_height = $src_height;
			if (Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD') == 2 || (!Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD') && $width_diff < $height_diff))
				$next_height = $dst_height;
				$next_width = round(($src_width * $next_height) / $src_height);
				$dst_width = (int)(!Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD') ? $dst_width : $next_width);
				$next_width = $dst_width;
				$next_height = round($src_height * $dst_width / $src_width);
				$dst_height = (int)(!Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD') ? $dst_height : $next_height);

		if (!ImageManager::checkImageMemoryLimit($src_file))
			return !($error = self::ERROR_MEMORY_LIMIT);
		$dest_image = $src_image;
		$dest_image->resizeImage($dst_width, $dst_height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
		//$dest_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_width, $dst_height);

		// If image is a PNG and the output is PNG, fill with transparency. Else fill with white background.
		/*if ($file_type == 'png' && $type == IMAGETYPE_PNG)
			imagealphablending($dest_image, false);
			imagesavealpha($dest_image, true);
			$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($dest_image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
			imagefilledrectangle($dest_image, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $transparent);
			$white = imagecolorallocate($dest_image, 255, 255, 255);
			imagefilledrectangle ($dest_image, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $white);

		/*imagecopyresampled($dest_image, $src_image, (int)(($dst_width - $next_width) / 2), (int)(($dst_height - $next_height) / 2), 0, 0, $next_width, $next_height, $src_width, $src_height);*/
		//return (ImageManager::write($file_type, $dest_image, $dst_file));
		return $dest_image->writeImage($dst_file);
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