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Creating simple module


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i want to create very simple module to display my custom menu. Now I'm on stage to display only simple information but I don't succed.


I have 2 files:



if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class MyModule extends Module
  	public function __construct()
	    $this->name = 'mymodule';
	    $this->tab = 'front_office_features';
	    $this->version = '1.0';
	    $this->author = 'Firstname Lastname';
	    $this->need_instance = 0;

	    $this->bootstrap = true;
	    $this->displayName = $this->l('My module');
	    $this->description = $this->l('Description of my module.');
	    $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall?');
	    if (!Configuration::get('MYMODULE_NAME'))      
	      $this->warning = $this->l('No name provided');

  	public function install()
	  if (!parent::install() || 
	  	!$this->registerHook('Glemenu') ||
    	!Configuration::updateValue('MYMODULE_NAME', 'my friend')
	  	return false;
	  return true;

	public function uninstall()
	  if (!parent::uninstall())
	    return false;
	  return true;

	public function hookDisplayGlemenu()
	   	return $this->display(__FILE__, 'mymodule.tpl');


<!-- Block mymodule -->
<div id="mymodule_block_home" class="block">
  <div class="block_content">
       {l s='Click this link' mod='mymodule'}       
      <li><a href="#" title="Click this link">Click me!</a></li>
<!-- /Block mymodule -->

and I want to display it in header 

{hook h='displayGlemenu'}

and after installing, it does not appear on the module list. I looked into /modules folder and this two files are in the main /modules folder (not in modules/mymodule).


And what is most important it doesn't work. What I'm doing wrong?

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When I changed it to 


page was white - not displaying anything.


What is strange - when I install module it says that everything is ok, but module doesnt appear on module list and these 2 files are not in their catalog as rest of modules but directly in modules - modules/mymodule.php and modules/mymodule.tpl

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