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How to change the li background-color of the attribute of a product which is checked with radio butt

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How to change the li background-color of the attribute of a product which is checked with radio button.
In the example image, the radio buttons are hidden, the hover no problem, I want to keep it that the same as the "hover" but I can not do ...
I see <span class="checked">  which moves along the selected attribute, perhaps I imagine trying to have this class in the parent li of the selected radio.
If someone has a solution or a track?


I hope I was clear enough :)

thank you





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Yep, i was thinking about jQuery, I will look at it but i'm still a beginner at jQuery ...

thank you Vekia for the track start ;)




I think I'm close to a solution with this code, tested on JSFiddle,


but I do not know how to embed in prestashop, I try :)

Edited by slykereven (see edit history)
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Okay i have made some working code and put it in the product.js 

$(document).ready(function () {
/*disable clickable attributes if there is no stock*/
    if (globalQuantity === 0) {
            disabled: true
/*change the css styles + a background image for disable clickable attributes*/
            'color': 'grey',
            "background-image": 'url(/img/background_btn_cart.png)',
			'cursor': 'pointer'
    } else {
/*change the css styles + a background image for all attributes*/
            "color": "black",
            "background-image": 'url(/img/background_btn_cart.png)',
			'cursor': 'pointer'
/*change the css styles + a background image for the checked attribute*/
                "color": "white",
                "background-color": "black",
                "background-image": "none",
				'cursor': 'pointer'
/*function on click to have unchecked + css styles and have one checked + css styles*/
        $('input:radio').click(function () {
                "color": "black",
                "background-image": 'url(/img/background_btn_cart.png)',
				'cursor': 'pointer'
/*one checked*/
                "color": "white",
                "background-color": "black",
                "background-image": "none",
				'cursor': 'pointer'

I think it can be better, surely some ccs styles in double, and there is no hover.

For the 'label' tag, i'm not sure but i think is not in the original file and i add it in the product.tpl like the following code

{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
	<label ><input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} />

For now that works fine for me :)

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