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Google showing prestashop dir in search-many different shops

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I noticed something today when I did a google search for "prestashop themes". I don't know what's wrong, but my results seem to show that something is going on. I kept getting lists of peoples prestashop/themes directories and this is in the top google listings.

I attached a screen shot. Its not just one persons shop, its several different shops listed--because of that I posted this here, I'm sorry if its the wrong place to put this up.


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Hi Pennylane,

This isn't a bug and doesn't have to do something with PS at all.

It's up to the merchants to restrict Google and others from indexing their subfolders by using the robots.txt file.
Example robots.txt to place in your root;

User-agent: *

Disallow: /presta_folder/admin
Disallow: /presta_folder/classes
Disallow: /presta_folder/config
Disallow: /presta_folder/css
Disallow: /presta_folder/download
Disallow: /presta_folder/img
Disallow: /presta_folder/install
Disallow: /presta_folder/js
Disallow: /presta_folder/licenses
Disallow: /presta_folder/mails
Disallow: /presta_folder/modules
Disallow: /presta_folder/themes
Disallow: /presta_folder/tools
Disallow: /presta_folder/translations

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