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Align logo in the center of the page

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Hi all,


I have moved my logo on the center of the page instead on the left, like the default configuration in the default theme.


Now logo is at the center of the page but a littlebit moved on the left, how can I center it on the middle of the container???


Thanks all!!!!

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Hi all,


I have moved my logo on the center of the page instead on the left, like the default configuration in the default theme.


Now logo is at the center of the page but a littlebit moved on the left, how can I center it on the middle of the container???


Thanks all!!!!

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Hi all,


I have moved my logo on the center of the page instead on the left, like the default configuration in the default theme.


Now logo is at the center of the page but a littlebit moved on the left, how can I center it on the middle of the container???


Thanks all!!!!



you can manage logo position with css styles

you can try to deal with margin-left or left params for #header_logo in global.css stylesheet file.

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vekia I have modified #header_logo styleshet with margin-left but after this modify my chart block go under and my template is being corrupted.


The result in pic:




Maybe I have to reduce logo container so automatically it's going on the center?

Edited by Fashionist (see edit history)
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Ok Vekia. Partially works cause top menù is re-aligned well but shopping cart is back of this.


I have this now on css (I found to reduce padding-top but it's not aligned with the logo on the right):

#header .shopping_cart {
  position: absolute;
  float: right;
  padding-top: 50px;
  right: 0px
  width: auto  }

A pic of the result:



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Edited by Fashionist (see edit history)
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If I do this:


in global.css insert this:  header .row #header_logo { text-align: center;}

at line 692 remove float:left for header:logo

at line 703 remove width33.3333% for header_logo


at line 271 for img-responsive: remove display:block and max-width:100%


Then my logo centers and I can set the size I want.


best regards

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  • 2 months later...
sorry for my english, but I hope it will serve to help 


my client just wants a website catalog, so I need to remove the carriage and the search function, and then center the logo and have it display even with smartphones and tablets, my solution was this: 


go in header.tpl 


line 93 


found this: img class = "logo img-responsive" 


replace with this: img class = "logo img-logo"" 


then go global.css 


line 271 


copy this 


.img-responsive {

   display: block; 

   max-width: 100%; 

   height: auto;

add margin-left: 400px (for example) to the center} 



go to the bottom and paste 






with .img-logo 


this worked for me here, you can view the work

Edited by lui1969 (see edit history)
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