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parameter back login (SOLVED)

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in AuthController.php    processSubmitAccount():


                        if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back))
                        // redirection: if cart is not empty : redirection to the cart
                        if (count($this->context->cart->getProducts(true)) > 0)
                        // else : redirection to the account
                            Tools::redirect('index.php?controller='.(($this->authRedirection !== false) ? urlencode($this->authRedirection) : 'my-account'));



if the variable 'back' is initialized, the login is redirected right?
why not work?


www.sport4you-mi.it   (green and black image with message 'Area Riservata')

By default after login prestashop redirect to the My Account page and the variable back I do not know how to use it.
In the site I have a category available only to registered users and would like visualize login if the user has not yet performed.
After login the user should be redirected to the category.




Edited by critellus (see edit history)
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i find the problem.


In function processSubmitLogin() in AuthController.php


the control: if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back))  don't work.

If I replace with:


$back = Tools::getValue('back');
 if (!empty($back))  .......................redirect to page ...

else redirect to my-account


work perfect... why?



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Critellus,

How did you solve the issue?

I am using the following code

if (!$this->context->customer->isLogged() && $this->php_self != 'authentication' && $this->php_self != 'password')


Its goes to login page, the login form also have "back" hidden field which have "enquiry" as value but its not redirecting it to "enquiry" page, its always redirecting to "my-account" page only.

Whats wrong there?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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i workout that, we need to update this below line of code


if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back))




if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) )


in controllers\front AuthController.php


I know its not a good pratice to update core files, any one know how can we override core controller?


I am sure, we can overried core controller, just have not time to digg this out.

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I just managed to fix this problem, in In my case, the problem was that in my NGINX config file, I had the server_name set to "localhost", not my domain name. The secureReferrer() function in the Tools class uses getServerName() to get the domain name. getServerName() returns $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] if it is set, otherwise it returns $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. In my case, it was returning "localhost". Hopefully this helps out someone in the future. :)

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Thank You for your reply.


Isn't my case.

In my case the variable 'back' contain 'http://www.site.it/........back=.....' and the function Tools::secureReferrer($back) return '/'

and the control  ' if (($back = Tools::getValue('back')) && $back == Tools::secureReferrer($back)) '     it's false.

where is the problem in your opinion?


I havn't SSL.


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That means that the regular expression in secureReferrer() for verifying the redirect URL is failing for some reason, so __PS_BASE_URI__ (/ in your case) is being returned instead of the redirect URL.

public static function secureReferrer($referrer)
 if (preg_match('/^http[s]?:\/\/'.Tools::getServerName().'(:'._PS_SSL_PORT_.')?\/.*$/Ui', $referrer))
  return $referrer;
 return __PS_BASE_URI__;

I know what your problem might be. Your site uses "www.". The regular expression will not account for this, so your server_name has to be set to www.site.it (not site.it), or the regular expression can be changed to the following to account for www. too in case your server_name does not include it:


Ensure your server_name is www.site.it using the following:

<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>
Edited by typ3z3r0 (see edit history)
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I managed to help critellus with his problem. He had set the URL for his login link to the following in order to have customers redirected to the home page upon logging in.


The problem was that he did not have a trailing slash on the URL set for the back variable. The regular expression used by Tools::secureReferrer() does not account for missing trailing slashes, as can be seen below:

* Secure an URL referrer
* @param string $referrer URL referrer
* @return string secured referrer
public static function secureReferrer($referrer)
 if (preg_match('/^http[s]?:\/\/'.Tools::getServerName().'(:'._PS_SSL_PORT_.')?\/.*$/Ui', $referrer))
  return $referrer;
 return __PS_BASE_URI__;

Using the following instead rectified the problem (note, a trailing slash will obviously not be needed if you're redirecting to a URL ending in a file extension, such as "index.php"):

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  • 2 weeks later...


As i read the function secureReferrer($referrer) it tries to match the $referrer - in our case the value of $back - to a complete URL of the shop:


preg_match('/^http?:\/\/'.Tools::getServerName().'(:'._PS_SSL_PORT_.')?\/.*$/Ui', $referrer)

In my case a direct link to the referralprogram module in my-account creates a back=/module/referralprogram/program which will never match
Edited by gnanet (see edit history)
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  • 2 years later...

I just managed to fix this problem, in In my case, the problem was that in my NGINX config file, I had the server_name set to "localhost", not my domain name. The secureReferrer() function in the Tools class uses getServerName() to get the domain name. getServerName() returns $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] if it is set, otherwise it returns $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. In my case, it was returning "localhost". Hopefully this helps out someone in the future. :)



I can confirm this on Nginx, I had both: domain.com  and www.domain.com in Nginx config in this exact order while the shop is set to www.domain.com


Changing the domain order to www.domain.com domain.com solved my problem on latest 1.6 version.

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