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IE8 Layout Issue

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Has anyone else noticed that the new 1.6 default theme does not work correctly in IE8 on a screen with a resolution of 1024x768? Isn't this theme supposed to be responsive?


I have tested on some mobile devices and all seems to be fine. I have also tested IE9 with this resolution and this is also fine, it just seems to be IE8. I have tested this with my installation of 1.6 and also on the PS Demo store with the same issue.


The search box at the top does not line up correctly, see below image. Does anyone know how to fix this?








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That's fine for anyone that understands the importance of updates, but what about the rest of the potential customers? Should we put a message on our store home page that says "If you are using XP don't use IE8 or update your web browser". I think not!


There has always been older versions of IE that web developers have had to worry about. You will normally get exceptions within your html/css for older versions of browsers. I find it strange that PS have not put any into the 1.6 design for older IE versions.

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"IE8 is not supported anymore. Those who have still windows xp and cannot update ie should use another browser."


"And very well. Let people update IE."


I can certainly understand where you're both coming from. The web needs to move on to more modern technologies etc. As reasonably tech-savvy people, it's easy for us to think that way and we'll find installing a different browser easy.


Looking at the web traffic stats for a few different (UK) sites for the year to date though, roughly 10% of our visitors across those sites still use IE8 and they generate roughly 10% of sales too. From a business point of view, that's not an insignificant number of sales to potentially lose.


Remember, people are generally lazy or are afraid of change. They don't want to bother installing another browser, even if it only takes two minutes. They'll just go elsewhere. Many people will only use a new browser when they buy a new PC or are forced to by automatic updates.


Is IE8 officially no longer supported? 

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There is no reason to support IE8 any longer. The more websites are looking messed up in IE8 the more IE8 users will be willing to update or change browser. Supporting the use of outdating browsers is helping nobody.

Bootstrap 3 does support IE8 up to a certain degree. So if the searchbox is out of line IE8 users will have to live with it (or change browsers) since IE8 does not understand css queries for responsive design. Compatibility with IE8 requires a javascript in order understand responsive design. So there may be some flaws here and there.

Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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