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Need some help adding this

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Hello & I want to Thank you for  taking a look at this post! I'm Currently im stuck on a couple of things, Like i once heard, If you've done all you can & still cannot proceed, Ask for help & strive to succeed! Okay i just made that up but it's still true!


There are three well two things i want to add!


1:A Red Box with a black border ( Hopefully not sharp edges, Roundish by 7-10px'ish) with a custom text inside of it. The box need's to be On top of the search bar. 

2: A Inside Line to separate the search box & Text field. The line you see in the image below is a temporary fix, It's not a "Line Line" Just a line i added in Photoshop when i was creating the search box.


I've kept the website on maintenance mode to keep anyone from viewing it except me the owner of this small eCommerce website. I don't know much about coding but im learning as i go...


I Plan to get this website running by the end of springbreak


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im confused a little

i checked your website and you already have got this:


nope,  here's an example ( not the best drawer xD )


Check the  attachment 


& also the black bar that separates the search box text and the search button is part of the search button image.


I want to find a way to add the border on it's own so i can remove it from the picture. When you click on the search button you also can see that your clicking the black bar... I want it to be stand alone..


Edited by crazie21 (see edit history)
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Try changing the width of the search box from 800 to 730.

You'll need to re-do the button image in any case as 'Seach' is not an English word.

Please don't keep bumping your own threads, it's not welcome on these forums.

Cheers, Dave

LOL dam how'd i miss that lmfaooo

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Try changing the width of the search box from 800 to 730.

You'll need to re-do the button image in any case as 'Seach' is not an English word.

Please don't keep bumping your own threads, it's not welcome on these forums.

Cheers, Dave

Im lost what does the width of the search box have to do with anything? 


I need help with adding a mini box that is on and above the search box




i changed the width from 700 to 730 and the box separated, But now i seem to run into another problem with the search box, it seems that when when i change the browser from my current screen size 1360 x 768 to something like 1024 x 768  the search box covers my website logo & cart text :/


How can i change this to make the search box not cover up everything & adjust?\



also i still need some help on adding the mini box's on top of the search box...

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line 7 of blocksearch_mod.css, change to top: 142px;

As for the additional text box, this module may help:


Cheers, Dave

Try that just a sec ago and it only blocks the my account link when customers log in

 And also the html box i tryed that yesterday, i cant get it to hook on top of the search box, it either is under the menu links or creates a new block all the way at the top of the page, Would be great for ad's 


 I know this is not the easiest job, reason why i came to the forums, i just cant find a way to add it, maybe if there was a way in the search box_mod.css i could add a new button and change the height.... but im noob to code 


Like the search box button but instead it leads to another page.. 


someone please help me :/

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Okay i've ranned into some problems but think i might of found a fix to the search bar problem, Can someone help me make my theme width fixed? Right now i got it on responsive to resolution from the back office options but i would like to disable it because it messes up with the search box..... How do i make my website width static and not change like ebay?

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