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Layered navigation 1.10.5

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I'm having the same issue. Tried it in Chrome and Firefox. This is for "Layered navigation block v1.10.6 "


If you select dropdown options nothing happens unless you select a checkbox option afterwards or if you adjust a slider. 


To see it "not" (being cheeky) in action go to http://foxfirearms.com.192-168-101-1.stnhost.com/14-handguns and then select one of the manufacturers in the drop down.




Edited by stnadmin (see edit history)
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I had the same problem but i fixed it by changing a little javascript.


Open the following file with a text editor or dreamweaver: 



Find this piece of code, it's on line 45 in my file.


// Click on checkbox    
    $(document).on('change', '#layered_form select', function(e) {


Replace it with:


// Click on checkbox    
    $(document.body).on('change', '#layered_form select', function(e) {


Apparently jquery can't find the select boxes so i changed  $(document) to  $(document.body) and now it works (at least for me)

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I have the same problem on PS 1.6. I changed one filter type to drop-down list from checkbox. If you click on the drop-down list it will immediately start filtering your store. If you are not enough quick, you cannot select anything. But if I am quick enough I can select 1 option in the drop-down list.


So I changed the in the "themes/default-bootstrap/js/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.js" the following in the line 45:


$(document).on('click', '#layered_form .select', function(e) {



$(document).on('click', '#layered_form .select option', function(e) {


This function will only be executed only if you click on the already dropped list item and not on the drop-down box itself.

Now it works fine for me.

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