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how to set width 100 %

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I want to make a new style of my theme width 1a00 % . and i want set set its width 100% in header , top menu bar, slider, feature products and footer. even same on inner pages like catagory page... do i have to do this manually >>????????


Please let me know how can i do this with minimum codding and with few simple steps,\\


<div> Thanks in advance :)  </div>

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you have to modify css styles of your theme files.

if you use default one, check grid_prestashop.css file

this file contains "width" definitons for entire theme.


grid_9 by default has got 980px; change it to 100%

do the same for other grid_definitions, just use percentages instead of pixels

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  • 7 months later...

Hello Veki


i am pretty new to Presta shop, tried to change to 100% width but suddenly if I make browser smaller the right block moves below, same on smaller monitors???


i change many things in grid_prestashop.css but it's too much and nowhere to find out


can you please help


www,wellnesspark.es/Home is the web site


thanks a lot



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use these styles in grid_prestashop.css

	Variable Grid System.
	Learn more ~ http://www.spry-soft.com/grids/
	Based on 960 Grid System - http://960.gs/

	Licensed under GPL and MIT.

/* Containers
.container_9 {
	margin:0 auto;
	width: 100%;;

/* Grid >> Global
.grid_9 {
	float: left;
	position: relative;

/* Grid >> Children (Alpha ~ First, Omega ~ Last)
.alpha {margin-left: 0;}
.omega {margin-right: 0;}

/* Grid >> 9 Columns
.container_9 .grid_1 {width:9.28%;}
.container_9 .grid_2 {width:20.60%;}
.container_9 .grid_3 {width:31.92%;}
.container_9 .grid_4 {width:43.26%;}
.container_9 .grid_5 {width:54.59%;}
.container_9 .grid_6 {width:65.90%;}
.container_9 .grid_7 {width:77.24%;}
.container_9 .grid_8 {width:88.55%;}
.container_9 .grid_9 {width:100%;}

#container {width:100%}

/* Prefix Extra Space >> 9 Columns
.container_9 .prefix_1 {padding-left:111px;}
.container_9 .prefix_2 {padding-left:222px;}
.container_9 .prefix_3 {padding-left:333px;}
.container_9 .prefix_4 {padding-left:444px;}
.container_9 .prefix_5 {padding-left:555px;}
.container_9 .prefix_6 {padding-left:666px;}
.container_9 .prefix_7 {padding-left:777px;}
.container_9 .prefix_8 {padding-left:888px;}

/* Suffix Extra Space >> 9 Columns
.container_9 .suffix_1 {padding-right:111px;}
.container_9 .suffix_2 {padding-right:222px;}
.container_9 .suffix_3 {padding-right:333px;}
.container_9 .suffix_4 {padding-right:444px;}
.container_9 .suffix_5 {padding-right:555px;}
.container_9 .suffix_6 {padding-right:666px;}
.container_9 .suffix_7 {padding-right:777px;}
.container_9 .suffix_8 {padding-right:888px;}

/* Push Space >> 9 Columns
.container_9 .push_1 {left:111px;}
.container_9 .push_2 {left:222px;}
.container_9 .push_3 {left:333px;}
.container_9 .push_4 {left:444px;}
.container_9 .push_5 {left:555px;}
.container_9 .push_6 {left:666px;}
.container_9 .push_7 {left:777px;}
.container_9 .push_8 {left:888px;}

/* Pull Space >> 9 Columns
.container_9 .pull_1 {left:-111px;}
.container_9 .pull_2 {left:-222px;}
.container_9 .pull_3 {left:-333px;}
.container_9 .pull_4 {left:-444px;}
.container_9 .pull_5 {left:-555px;}
.container_9 .pull_6 {left:-666px;}
.container_9 .pull_7 {left:-777px;}
.container_9 .pull_8 {left:-888px;}

/* Clear Floated Elements

/* http://sonspring.com/journal/clearing-floats */
.clear {
	/*clear: both;
	display: block;
	overflow: hidden;
	visibility: hidden;
	width: 0;
	height: 0;*/

/* http://perishablepress.com/press/2008/02/05/lessons-learned-concerning-the-clearfix-css-hack

.clearfix:after {
	clear: both;
	content: ' ';
	display: block;
	font-size: 0;
	line-height: 0;
	visibility: hidden;
	width: 0;
	height: 0;

.clearfix {	display: inline-block;

* html .clearfix {
	height: 1%;

.clearfix {
	display: block;
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  • 4 weeks later...

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