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contact form in product tab

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I think I am trying to do somethig goes well above my knowledge...but I'll have a try anyhow.


I would like:

1) Add an extra tab in product

2) Put a contact form in this extra tab


For 1st point I have found a free module that works. So now I can create the extra tab and I have an additional menu when adding a product where I can put CMS


For 2nd, I had a try copying the code Vekia put on this post



The form does show, I would need to customize but I have the following questions:

1) How do I link it to an email address so that when it's submitted so that is really sent by user and of course received ?

2) Is there any way to duplicate the form for each product, in other words have it already pre-set without the need of re-writing for each product I want to add ?

3) Is there a way to input a field automatically filled with product name (or another reference) so that when form is submitted I understand from which product is arriving ?


This is the link to my test site where I put the extra tab and the form:


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1) you have to modify cms controller, you need to add there php code to handle this form, and in effect - send an email. You can check how it looks like in contact controller and its class.


2) you want to have separate form for each product? if so, i think that will be much better to include it on each product page. 


3) it's possible if you will include form for each product page

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1) you have to modify cms controller, you need to add there php code to handle this form, and in effect - send an email. You can check how it looks like in contact controller and its class.


2) you want to have separate form for each product? if so, i think that will be much better to include it on each product page. 


3) it's possible if you will include form for each product page


Hi Vekia,

thx for your answer. 


1) I understand but have no programming knowledge; I had a look at the file but no way I'll be able to add any code ;-) 


2) No, I just wanted the opposite a single form (the same) for all products, I just wanted to avoid to re-write it every time so I was wondering if there's a way to have it created by default whenever I add a new product


3) Is it something an "absolute beginner" can do or would imply some programming knowledge ?

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